East City Art, September 25, 2023: Jean Sausele-Knodt is ArtsFairfax 2023 Awards Artist
East City Art, August 22, 2022: Athenaeum Gallery Presents Elizabeth Casqueiro and Jean Sausele-Knodt "Connected Spaces"
Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, December 2021: In the galleries: Works draw on feeling, seeing and a penchant for jazz
Eric Celarier, East City Art, December, 2021: Jean Sausele-Knodt, RECENT ANIMATIONS
Elsabé Dixon, The Washington Sculptor Newsletter, Winter 2018: In Conversation: Where Drawing and Sculpture Meet at the Angie Newman Johnson Gallery, page 10
Mark Jenkins, The Washington Post, July, 2015: "In the Galleries: Strictly Painting is Anything But"
Mark Jenkins, The Washington Post, May 2015: "Alchemical Vessels"
Mark Jenkins, The Washington Post, February 2015: "Manipulating nature at McLean Project for the Arts"
Keith Loria, Viva Tysons, Artist Focus, January, 2015; pgs 44-45
Mark Jenkins, The Washington Post, January 2014: "Galleries: Different views showcased at Long View Gallery"